Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

How is Java Applets Can Be Security Threats?

Hi, Renoirs, how are you lately? I hope everything is well for you. This week I post again about IT section, get bored with the topic? Don’t worry this is my last post about IT, hahaha. On this week post, the theme is more specific. I will explain you about how Java applets could be security threats for client machines. Before I talk about it, the first one that I want to deliver is about general explanation about Java applets.

What is Java Applets?

Java applets are graphical computer programs written in the object oriented language of Java. Java applets, like applets written in other programming languages, require a host container, such as a browser, in which to run. A Java applet commonly is used by webmasters wanting dynamic or interactive content for their websites. When people visit these websites, their browsers automatically download and execute the Java applet for them to interact with.

A key feature of Java applets is their graphical interactivity with the user. Java applets have buttons, list boxes and other controls that users make selections with. The applet responds to these selections by displaying new content. This new content will typically be a mix of text and graphical shapes like the lines and ellipses used on appearance of a program. Contrast this type of interaction with that of a command console, where all input and output is text-based.

An essential concept in Java applets is that of events, which developers of Java applets refer to as milestones. A milestone is an event in the life cycle of an applet's execution, such as the loading of the applet into the browser, or the push of a button or other control. A mouse click on the applet's window is another type of milestone, as is the exposure of the Java applet's window, when a window from another application is moved or resized. Java applet developers are responsible for making sure the applet responds appropriately to each milestone. For example, when the user selects her time zone from the list box on a Java applet displaying the time, she expects to see the clock's hands reflect the current time for her locale.

Security and Java Applets

Since Java applets are interactive and produce dynamic content, executing them involves a greater potential security risk than executing the static content of a plain web page. To address the potential security threats, Java applets make use of security certificates. Applets with such uncertified unsigned possibly will be untrustworthy applets. An unsigned applet cannot access files on a computer, unless it given an explicit permission.

Those who use Java applets and programs face significant security threats. Information on their computers may be selectively altered, destroyed, or disclosed by those who develop Java applets and programs and those who have the ability to modify them. Damage may result from deliberately planned attacks on your system or from errors that are introduced into Java source or compiled code. Although the threat associated with inadvertent errors is far less than with malicious actions, it cannot be discounted.
The damage resulting from instances often exceeds that of the most cunning hackers. However, security threats as the result of deliberate hostile actions. The threat posed by a standalone Java program is the same as any other program that you run on your computer.

How Java Could Breach Security ?

The steps how Java applets breach the security can be simplified with an explanation like this.
When a program runs on your computer, it has access to computer files, system capabilities, and system resources, and can use this access to modify, delete, or compromise sensitive data or misuse these capabilities and resources. The program's access is limited only by the access controls enforced by your operating system or other security software. In most cases, these access controls are nonexistent or minimally effective.
The danger of running a standalone Java program is the same as running any other program that you do not develop yourself. Unless you can verify the security of the program through rigorous analysis and testing, you are forced to trust the programs not to cause deliberate or inadvertent damage.
Standalone Java programs provide no more or less security than any other programs you may encounter. They may be written to cause the same level of damage to your system as a program that is written in another programming language. Because of this unfortunate fact, the security of standalone Java programs is not explicitly considered in the remainder of this chapter.
The threat posed by Java applets expands the threat posed by standalone programs to the Web as a whole. Since Web pages may contain applets, scripts, and other types of embedded programming, clicking on a Web page is equivalent to executing a program. The increased danger associated with applets is the lack of control that you have over the programs you execute. Any Web page may bring an insidious intruder into your system. You may, of course, disable the execution of applets by your browser, but doing so eliminates all the potential benefits of Java.

Java Security Features

So, based my explanation, Java applets can be threat for your computer. But, there is a way to counter or defend your computer from this kind of harmful Java applets. To counter the threat posed by those who would bring harm to your computer and to mitigate the risk associated with running applets, the developers of Java and Java-enabled browsers have included a powerful set of security features in the Java language, compiler, runtime system, and Web browsers.
Applets cannot create or install a class loader or security manager. Applets cannot create classes in the local class name space. Applets cannot access local packages outside the standard packages of the Java API. Applets cannot access files and directories on the local system in any manner. All windows created by an applet must be clearly labeled as being entrusted. Keeping Java secure is an ongoing process. Several security flaws have been identified to date and it is reasonable to expect that new Java security flaws will continue to be found.

So, be careful when choosing or running a java program Renoirs. That’s all my post on this week, I am so happy to share about IT with you, and next week I will talk about another things, beside IT! (of course!) See you….. Take care..

Rabu, 05 Oktober 2011

Disadvantages of Using Web Hosting For E- Commerce

Hello Renoirs...
For this week post, I will talk about the disadvantages of free web hosting for ecommerce. Before I talk about it, better I explain first, what is web hosting?

Renoirs, a web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their own website accessible via the World Wide Web.
Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server they own or lease for use by their clients as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data center. Web hosts can also provide data center space and connectivity to the Internet for servers they do not own to be located in their data center, called colocation or Housing.

There are 2 types of web hosting, first free web host, and second is paid web host. In this section, many private user prefer to use free web host to build an e-commerce . But although, it is free, it has disadvadtages too.

Disadvantages Of Free Web Hosting For E Commerce

Whenever you select a hosting package that is geared towards a specific industry, there are going to be downsides that may not appeal to many consumers. E-commerce hosting is geared towards online merchants and while there are
many features that are necessary to running an online store included with these hosting packages, there are also a lack of other features that may be necessary for other kinds of websites.
If you are not planning on running an online store with your website, an ecommerce hosting package will most likely not be a good fit.
Unless you need a shopping cart, or a secure certificate, you might be overbuying a hosting package if you select an ecommerce solution without intending to run an online store.

Ecommerce hosting packages typically cost more than average hosting plans. This is because there are normally full featured shopping carts included with these plans and they are quite expensive. When you pay for an ecommerce hosting plan, you are really paying not only for space, but for these extra features. If cost is something you are concerned about, this is certainly something that will need to be factored into your decision.
Since ecommerce plans include a lot of
features for selling online, they are typically not as feature rich in other areas, such as disk space, bandwidth allotments and extra email accounts. Many basic hosting plans offer unlimited email accounts, large amounts of disk space and higher bandwidth limits.
Most ecommerce plans limit the amount of email addresses you can have, which may not appeal to a large company that needs several different email addresses. You might actually be better of purchasing a basic hosting plan that offers an unlimited amount of email
add resses and purchasing a shopping cart solution in addition to your hosting plan.

I already give you disadvantages by using that free web hosting,so it is up to you now, to choose which one do you like. If you want to try this, I can give you 2 example of free web hosting in Indonesia. There are Dapur Hosting ( www.dapur-hosting.com) and Domain Gratis (domain-gratis.cu.cc). In order to use this service, you just need to put your address that you created and check the availability of your address. Then it is automatically send the request to the web host provider and then you can create your own web by using those free web hosting service. Every web host has their own systems,and policy, so please notice the term of use.

That's all my post on this week Renoirs. For next week, please wait till next week, due I'm too busy now. So, I can't write a post daily.
Bye Renoirs! God bless you....

Rabu, 28 September 2011

B2B Market in Indonesia

For this week post, I would like to talk about B2B business websites market in Indonesia. B2B is Business to Business , in clear definition business to business is a trade between one business or company with other business or company. The background of this business is, since every business has different core business, and each of company needs another one to complete their part. The company doing a business activities with another company (usually they are different in their core business). The activities are various like trading, loaning, exchanging etc, in order to fill their company's needs. The B2B market in Indonesia have been growing till now, and they aren't not only do the business directly (with convensional way, meets face to face) but with using website too. They practice e B2B in other words, online B2B. I'll deliver you some example of B2B market in Indonesia.

Private Stores On Seller’s Site One seller – many buyer Few products Fixed pricing Example : Honda http://www.honda-indonesia.com/

Customer Portals Few sellers – many buyers Catalog-based Fixed pricing Example : Penerbit Erlangga http://www.erlangga.co.id/

Independent Industry Marketplace Many sellers – many buyers Offer auctions Dynmic pricing Example: Tokopedia http://www.tokopedia.com/

Consorsium-sponsored marketplace Few buyers – many sellers Buyer control Fixed pricing Example: LPSE Nasional (Layanan Pengadaan Secara Electronik Nasilonal) http://www.pengadaannasional-bappenas.go.id/

Private company marketplace Sellers bid on major buyer’ business Example: Petamina e-Procurement https://eproc.pertamina.com/

Those companies did different business ,and they have own focus in their purpose or type of B2B. Since that, with various things in e business. It means that B2B has diversity in it's types. Commonly their types of B2B are depend on the company core business. If you want to do B2B with a company,make sure about their type of B2B first. So, won't be mistaken in order to practice this kind of B2B business process. I try to upload some picture about the website ,but the INTERNET CONNECTION IS BAD today, don't blame me. Too bad huh? So, that's all for this week's post, I'm very busy recently, so I'll write another next time... See you renoirs!

Rabu, 14 September 2011

Rapidshare & MediaFire : Serupa Tapi Tak Sama

Situs internet sejak booming pada tahun 1995 - kini, menjadi sangat beragam variasinya. Setiap situs umumnya memiliki fokus tersendiri, seperti situs yang mengkhususkan isinya dalam hal berita, ada juga khusus membahas software, gadget , dan sebagainya sesuai target market mereka. Salah satu situs yang mempunyai pengunjung terbanyak adalah situs yang bergerak dalam bidang penyediaan pengunggah (upload) dan pengunduhan( download) file lagu,video, dan sebagainya.

Situs upload/download file yang biasanya menyediakan dan menyimpan file-file yang di upload dan dapat di download berupa lagu,video, foto ,dokumen dan lainya ini harus diakui memiliki banyak pengunjung dan peminatnya. Karena sangat banyak pengunjung dan pengguna jasa mereka dalam meng upload dan download file. Keberadaan situs model ini sangat mempengaruhi kebiasaan/ habit pengguna internet, dimana kebanyakan pengguna internet memiliki hobi men download dan meng upload file mereka di internet. Lebih dari 50% pengguna internet menggunakan internet untuk mendownload dan upload file-file yang mereka inginkan.

Kali ini, saya ingin membahas 2 situs penyedia layanan upload dandownload yang cukup populer, tidak hanya di Indonesia, tapi juga di dunia, yaitu rapidshare.com dan mediafire.com.

Kedua situs ini merupakan situs yang hampir serupa secara kasat mata. Kedua situs ini memiliki banyak persamaan dan perbedaan dalam hal tertentu. Meski demikian memiliki fungsi yang hampir sama persis.

Profil singkat

Rapidshare adalah situs yang berasal dari Swiss yang menyediakan layanan meng upload dan download file-file secara berbayar maupun gratis ( dengan pembatasan bandwith dalam jumlah tertentu).

Mediafire adalah situs upload dan download file gratis dan berbayar yang berasal dari Texas, Amerika Serikat.

Perbedaan dan Persamaan Mediafire dan Rapidshare

Berdasarkan profil singkat kedua situs ini, bisa disimpulkan bahwa kedua situs ini sekilas sama. Namun jika ditelusuri lebih lanjut kedua situs ini memiliki perbedaan yang cukup banyak,diantaranya:

1. Kuota penyimpanan data

MediaFire tidak membatasi kuota membernya secara keseluruhan/total size. Namun, untuk kuota file size per file nya, Mediafire membatasi maksimum 200 MB untuk setiap free user, dan maksimum 10 GB per file untuk pro user. Sedangkan Rapidshare, membatasi kuota penyimpanan data secara keseluruhan untuk setiap user nya yakni, untuk free user batas penyimpanan file hanya sampai 2 GB, sedangkan untuk pro user, 50 GB.

2. Download

MediaFire, free user tidak memerlukan waktu menunggu untuk mendownload. Apabila koneksi terputus ,dan free user ingin mendownload ulang, user hanya perlu menuliskan Captcha. Untuk Rapidshare, free user harus menunggu dalam waktu beberapa menit, sebelum mendownload file yang diinginkan.

3. Keuntunguan Pro User ( Pengguna berbayar)

Untuk Mediafire, pro user dapat meng upload file mereka dalam bentuk ZIP dan RAR, serta dapat meng upload file foto hingga maksimal 25MB. Serta memiliki kuota hingga 10 GB file size. Di Rapidshare, pro user dapat mengupload file apa pun yang mereka inginkan, dan sama sekali tidak ada batasan. Pro user juga memiliki kuota hingga 50 GB file size.

4. Eksistensi File yang di upload.

Di MediaFire, file yang di upload oleh user, dapat tahan hingga 60 hari. Jika dalam 60 hari , user tidak mengakses akun nya, maka file tersebut akan hilang. Sedangkan di Rapidshare, file yang telah diupload akan bertahan hingga kapan pun, tidak akan hilang.


Kedua situs ini sama-sama menyediakan layanan file hosting. Dan memberikan URL yang unik untuk setiap data yang telah di upload dan dapat di download.

Berdasarkan, perbandingan di atas, Media fire dan Rapidshare ternyata memliki perbedaan dalam hal fasilitas untuk user. Masing-masing ada kekuarangan dan kelebihannya. Semua tergantung pada pengguna lebih prefer dan suka yang mana?

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

E- Mobile Service : Cell Phone Novel Highly Recommended E-Service To Be Applied in Indonesia.

Indonesia as one of most populated country in the world has problem with "Reading". According to the fact that, Indonesian has low interest in reading. The libraries almost always empty, while their intention to buy a book is remain low. This fact was very bad for Indonesia, because Indonesia has to strength their "Reading Culture" to chase their slow movement in developing country, compare with Major Countries. This low interest in reading, made the growth of novel industry and number of writer was decreased in Indonesia.

Actually, Indonesia had great novel writer, since in colonial times. Class of "Balai Pustaka" in 1920s, with such very famous Novels. Through class of 1945, 1966, there were many legendary novel such as Sutan Takdir Alisyahbana, Hamka, Taufik Ismail and many more.

To answer this problem, there is interesting idea in mobile service , it is Cell Phone Novel. A cell phone novel, or mobile phone novel is a literary work originally written on a cellular phone via text messaging. This type of literature originated in Japan, where it has become a popular literary genre.

However, its popularity has also spread to other countries internationally, especially to China, Germany, and South Africa.

Chapters in cell phone novel usually consist of about 70-100 words each due to character limitations on cell phones.

Phone novels started out primarily read and authored by young women on the subject of romantic fiction such as relationships, lovers, rape, love triangles, and pregnancy.

However, mobile phone novels are gaining worldwide popularity on broader subjects but not be applied yet in Indonesia. Rather than appearing in printed form, the literature is typically sent directly to the reader via SMS text message, chapter by chapter.

Cell phone novels are downloaded in short installments and run on handsets as Java- based applications on a mobile phone. Cell phone novels often appear in three different formats: WMLD, JAVA and TXT.

The cell phone novel became a hit mainly through word of mouth and gradually started to gain traction in Taiwan, China, and South Korea among young adults. The movement also became popular in Europe and Africa.

This cell phone novel service will raise the number of good literature writer in Indonesia too. It will stimulate any of the online writers are university students. Cell Phone Novel can attract young readers, incorporating emergent events or trendy elementsfrom teen cultureinto their stories.

Cell phone novels can create a virtual world for teenagers via the mobile phone, or, more precisely, via text messages. As in virtual online computer games, readers can put themselves into first person in the story. Cell phone novels create a personal space for each individual reader.nowadays, a writer can write just about as easily, anywhere, as a reader can read and they are not only personal but portable.

The cell phone novel can changing reading habits in Indonesia; readers no longer need to physically go to a bookshop and purchase a book. They can go online using their cell phone, download a novel, and read it on their personal mobile phone anywhere, any time they wish. Similar to the e-book, its mobility and convenience saves time.

Rabu, 10 Agustus 2011

Nissan Motor vs Nissan Computer Lawsuit in Case of Website's Name

My answers about Nissan.com case written in here, following four numbers :


Yes, I believe that Nissan Motor will be loss opportunity to get sales from the online website about $10 Million, or more. Because, with the Nissan.com domain owned by Nissan computer, there is possibility to customers confusing and cancel their intention to buy Nissan Motor products. So Nissan Motor sued can be understood. Another reason is The Nissan mark was first registered by plaintiff Nissan Motor Co. in 1959, and has been used continuously since. The mark has become incontestable and therefore immune from attack on certain grounds. Accordingly, the fact I found that the plaintiffs have a valid, protect able trademark interest in the “Nissan” mark. Here, the plaintiffs submit evidence that the Nissan mark has been in continuous use in the automobile industry since 1959. The plaintiffs have also extensively promoted the mark, spending about $400 million on advertising and promotions in the United States in 1999. The plaintiffs also submit evidence of strong consumer recognition of the mark. A 1988 newspaper article listed Nissan as one of the top 200 consumer-identified brands in the United States. Moreover, a recent survey shows that 92% of consumers would expect to find a car company at the nissan.com and nissan.net websites. Based on this evidence, i found that the Nissan mark has secondary meaning and should be treated as a strong mark. (additional source: http://itlaw.wikia.com/wiki/Nissan_Motor_v._Nissan_Computer )

Nissan Motor


Nissan Computer

Uzi Nizan ethics position in my opinion is Nissan Motor's intention to make this case as expensive as possible for me was evident from the beginning. Undoubtedly, the notion that his company might be forced into bankruptcy rather than fight for my name, given the great expense, must have been a consideration. As if the financial burden incurred by Uzzi and Nissan Computers was not enough, Nissan Motor filed a lawsuit against the Internet Center, Inc., a corporation with three shareholders, in which Uzzi had the majority shareholder. The Internet Center, Inc. did not and does not utilize the word "NISSAN" in any way. So, I think Uzzi had to against Nissan's the appeal. Because he wasn't wrong,or did illegal action as Nissan Motor sued to them.


Nissan Motor’s ethics position in my opinion Nissan Motor probably choose to leave to amend its answer to assert counterclaims based on state law for interference with prospective economic advantage, unfair competition/unfair trade practices, constructive trust, accounting, violation of right of publicity in name, and false advertising. These proposed counterclaims were all based on allegations that Nissan Motor purchased "nissan" and "nissan.com" as Internet search terms from various search-engine operators which, when entered into the search engines, took the user to plaintiff's websites instead of defendant's "nissan.com" website.


In case of Nissan Motor vs Nissan Computer, i can’t blame Nissan computer doing illegal way. Because according to the case, Nissan computer is the first one to take and buy the domain he use by Uzi Nissan of his last name for several business enterprises since 1980, his use beginning in 1991 of “Nissan” as part of the name of a North Carolina computer store he owned Nissan Computer Corp and his registration in1994 of “nissan.com” as a domain name and website for advertising various products . A Nissan Computer’s use of nissan.com to sell non automobile-related goods does not infringe because Nissan is a last name, a month in the Hebrew and Arabic calendars, a name used by many companies too. In other words he is the first one who bought the domain. And he allowed and deserves to use it. So, actually I think the decision which more given advantages to the Nissan Computer is right and fair.

NOTE : (additional source: http://itlaw.wikia.com/wiki/Nissan_Motor_v._Nissan_Computer )

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Sandra Dewi's Anniversary Celebration

Sebentar lagi Sandra Dewi, akan berulang tahun..nah kebetulan si penulis ini ke bagian ngurusin acara juga..
Untuk itu.. Undangan juga diposting di blog ini.. Beneran lho, bukan penipuan atau apa pun lah... Lima rius...

Sanders (Sandra Dewi Lovers) mengundang
kamu-kamu, buat dateng ke acara, Sandra Dewi's
Anniversary. Yg bakal dilaksanain ....

Hari/ Tanggal : Sabtu,13 Agustus 2011
Jam. : 17.00 WIB/5 PM.
Tempat: CJ Tom Yum, Adhyaksa, Lebak Bulus ,Jakarta
Selatan .

Caranya, daftarin diri kamu,sekarang...
Buruan, tempat terbatas..
Dateng ya semua...

*NB: Biaya per orang : Rp. 125.000/Net. Pendaftaran
dibuka tgl 1-12 Agustus. Dapat dikirim melalui , BCA:
Enggar Baskara , BCA 0271973194 atau Bukopin,
Pembayaran dapat dicicil (tapi harus lunas sebelum
hari H)


Hai, Renoirs ....

Akhir- akhir ini , online shop lagi ngetren di Indonesia. Seiring makin baiknya infrastruktur internet di Indonesia (biar enggak sebagus di luar sih..) dan masyarakat mulai "melek" internet, on line shop pun menjadi berkembang banget. Banyak orang mulai menggunakan media internet untuk berjualan dan membeli barang yang mereka pengen.

Kalau kamu-kamu perhatikan Facebook dan Kaskus belakangan ini, kamu bakal nemuin banyak banget online shop. Dengan online shop ini mereka berjualan apa pun yang bisa dijual, seperti pakaian , sepatu, aksesoris, gadeget , sampai rumah pun sekarang banyak di jual online.

Karena tren online shop lagi bagus, nah hal ini cukup menggiurkan banyak orang untuk berjualan di "pasar cyber", enggak terkecuali Rakuten, yang bisa kamu akses di Rakuten.co.id. Rakuten adalah "shopping mall" online yang sudah terkenal banget di Jepang. Sebelumnya Rakuten di Jepang lebih dikenal di sana dengan nama "Rakuten Ichiba", yang menyediakan lebih dari 70 juta produk oleh 35.000 merchant/toko yang dijual secara onlineRakuten adalah pionir dan pemimpin dalam model bisnis B2B2C toko online.

Di Indonesia, Rakuten baru masuk pada Maret 2011, yang di prakarsai oleh PT Rakuten-MNC yang merupakan perusahaan joint venture antara PT Global Mediacom Tbk dan Rakuten,Inc. Rakuten dan Global Mediacom ini melakukan kerja sama agar Rakuten Online Shop menjadi toko online terbesar di Indonesia. Rakuten Online Shop Indonesia ini memiliki layanan kualitas tinggi dan membuat kamu bisa menikmati berbelanja online dengan aman dan nyaman di internet.

Rakuten Online Shop juga menjual gadget yang harganya super murah kalau kamu bandingkan dengan tempat lain. Salah satu yang dijual murah di Rakuten ini contoh nya adalah Amethyst Pad LX 100 Android 2.3.3.  Gadget ini  cocok digunakan untuk kamu yang sibuk dengan kerjaan, tapi sering mobile, karena Amethyst Pad LX 100, bisa di gunakan untuik mengecek email, mengirim email, browsing internet, social media (Facebook, twitter, dll), Chat Online (YM, MSN, e-buddy, gmail, dll), Mengetik dan membaca (Ms.Word, Excel, Power Point, Adobe Reader), melihat video, dll . 

Gadget ini di jual Cuma Rp. 2,499,000,- lho.
Nah gimana sih cara berbelanja di Rakuten?
Cara belanja di Rakuten mudah lho. Pertama kamu harus daftar dulu di Rakuten sebagai member ,pendaftaran ini gratis. Lalu ikuti step ini :

1.       Klik tombol "Masukkan ke keranjang belanja”.
2.      Periksalah kuantitas barang, dan tekanlah tombol "Pesan".
3.      Lalu login kalau kamu adalah anggota RBO. Jika kamu belum menjadi anggota RBO, dianjurkan untuk melakukan pendaftaran. Tapi kalau kamu pengen berbelanja tanpa mendaftar sebagai anggota Rakuten, silakan isi informasi yang diperlukan.
4.      Pilih metode pembayaran. Kamu bisa menggunakan kartu kredit atau online banking.
5.      Pilih metode pengiriman. Dan isikan informasi yang diperlukan pada bagian "Ubah Alamat Pengiriman" untuk mengubah alamat pengiriman.
6.      Selanjutnya konfirmasi informasi Anda dan tekan tombol "Pesan".
7.      Nah, sekarang Pemesanan telah selesai. Kamu bisa menerima email konfirmasi. Jika nilai tagihanmu sudah pasti, silakan lakukan pembayaran pada halaman pembayaran.

Proses pembelian telah selesai ! Silakan tunggu barang pesanan datang.

Nah, sekarang kamu udah mulai ngerti kan cara belanja online di Rakuten ? Buruan deh coba belanja ke Rakuten.co.id sekarang...Met berbelanja ya di Rakuten Online Shop….Enjoy….

Kamis, 28 Juli 2011


Renoir Zone, is a blog that dedicated or focus in histories,informations about musics and movies.
Formerly Renoir Zone was named as RA- Renoir 13 (Random Access Renoir 13). This blog active since 2009. Renoir taken from French name, mostly used by artists,painters, in France during early 19th century. At that time this blog was containing with many news in the world, especially in nature, and sports news.
In 2011, after 1 year hiatus this blog was reboot into new name and business. The reason behind the reboot was to be more better and focus in contains, to keep the frame on the track and more effective in order to give satisfactory for readers.

Here I present to you, the new face of Renoir Zone, "the wider" of your world.